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Balboa Press


This is the fourth book in the seven-book series under the title "MYSTICISM IN NEWBURYPORT." As you will see, there is a theme based on the number SEVEN that runs all through the stories and Peter's life. Each book in the seven-book series contains seven lighthearted tales from Peter's life. Peter shares his experience, strength, and hope from his unique life. Peter's early, wild years in the sixties were full of heavy alcoholic consumption, excessive sixties drug use, violence, arrests, broken bones, motorcycle riding, and endless hours in the gym. At nineteen years old, after seven years of alcoholic drinking, Peter crawled into the 12-step recovery program and began his journey into the spiritual realm. Almost immediately on entering the program, Peter had a spiritual awakening. Many years later, in the little historic seaport town of Newburyport, Massachusetts, Peter was to have a profound spiritual awakening in the form of a powerful "Kundalini Experience." With this awakening the inner spiritual realms opened wide, and Peter was rocketed into a new world of health, happiness, and prosperity. Past life experiences and vivid visions became a daily occurrence. Unknowingly, Peter had connected with an ancient lineage of Meditation Masters whose energy was infused into Peter, changing his spiritual state and evolution forever. The secrets of the inner world were all revealed. At the same time, Peter was to discover all the hidden secrets of this quaint little historic seaport. To honor this town of Newburyport for being the place of Peter's spiritual awakening, he has used the name in the title for his books. When asked what the books were about, Peter said he only had one thought: "Mysticism." Peter shares the great times he had during this seven-year period with the great people, an abundance of Nature, and enjoying continuous insights and spiritual experiences. Peter hopes you enjoy his simple book of tales...

CHF 56.90

"SHADOW RIDERS" is the third book in this seven-book series under the title "MYSTICISM IN NEWBURYPORT." It is the continuing unfolding story of just another soul's re-awakening in this lifetime to the truth of his divinity. After Peter's younger wild years growing up in Lynn, Massachusetts with heavy alcohol use and abusing all the drugs of the sixties, along with his love of riding motorcycles and physical training, he found himself crawling into the 12-step recovery program for alcoholics. Peter abused alcohol for seven years and he drank alcoholically right from his first drink. He used all the drugs of the sixties and combined both alcohol and drugs, which brought him to his knees at a very young age. He was to be involved in endless trouble with police, car and motorcycle crashes, high speed chases, arrests, and many broken bones. Peter's journey in the recovery program began with a spiritual awakening and he began his education about the spiritual principles and the ancient wisdom from the past. While Peter was living in the Newburyport area and reading ancient writings from meditation masters, Peter was to have a profound spiritual experience and his journey back to his true self really began. Through the grace of a mediation master, Peter's own inner spiritual energy (called kundalini) burst wide open and this energy flowed up his spine and chakras and caused incredible insights and experiences. It was later that Peter learned about 'Kundalini Yoga' and what had happened to him. Peter was to have profound experiences in long nights of meditation down by the Merrimac River and to have numerous past life experiences. To honor his spiritual awakening while in this historic seaport, he decided to use the name "MYSTICISM IN NEWBURYPORT" for the title. Peter's first book was introduced at the Miami International Book Fair as a modern-day version of the Herman Hesse classic novel "SIDDHARTHA." These tales are about all the great people from this time in Peter's life and all the gifts and blessings that have flowed and continue to flow to this silly, Irish seeker. Peter hopes that his writings will be of some use to others or at least bring a smile to the reader's face, about the unique life of just another seeker. This book is dedicated to Barbara Eleanor Parton. She is in the below pictures on our bikes...

CHF 53.55

Peter James Ford, The Unlikely Messenger, is a unique individual with a broad understanding of life from having lived life from many lifestyles. Peter experienced the good, the bad, the ugly, and then an awakening and redemption. His younger years found him struggling with alcoholism and the drugs of the sixties, with having learning disabilities, including attention deficit disorder, and growing up in a violent environment. Peter turned to physical training and motorcycles and found much satisfaction in both. At an early age Peter crawled into the 12-step recovery program a broken man. This was the beginning of Peter's spiritual journey. Over the years, Peter attained the promises of the program and began living a great life. Many years later, Peter was initiated into a yogic path that had begun thousands of years ago by an ancient lineage of Masters. Peter did not realize that his profound spiritual experience at that time was actually a powerful "Kundalini Awakening" within him. Shortly after his awakening, these mystic tales of past lives and powerful wisdom truths began flowing. Peter has just completed his seventh book about his life adventures and spiritual journey. Peter hopes people find something useful in his writings, or at least that they will bring a smile to your face when thinking about Peter, this "Unlikely Messenger."

CHF 64.70

MYSTICISM IN NEWBURYPORT is a seven-book series revealing ancient secrets from masters of all cultures along with modern-day breakthroughs by scientists and quantum physicists of our times. These tales began flowing after Peter's powerful spiritual awakening in Newburyport, Massachusetts. Newburyport is a quaint little, historic seaport on the coast of Massachusetts heading towards New Hampshire. Peter had been sober in the 12-step recovery program for many years and had recovered from his alcoholism. Peter's love of Nature had brought him to the Newburyport area. This area is rich with Nature's treasures, Native American Heritage and many tales from the tall cargo ships of olden days. High street was lined with homes of these Sea Captains. Peter's awakening had given him new eyes and new highly evolved senses. Peter was to have powerful past lives experience with his Mystery Woman guide named Layne. Layne was a mystic that would tell people things about themselves that there was no way she could know. She would look you in the eyes and tell you your deepest secrets. She also knew about the Earth's electromagnetic grids and helped Peter understand what he was experiencing in Newburyport. Peter's new heightened senses could feel the electromagnet flow of energy and the convergence right below Market Square in Newburyport. Market Square was one of the crossroads for these powerful electromagnet energies that gives life to our planet. Peter was to share the secrets that were revealed to him in his writings.

CHF 87.20

"VISION QUEST" is a book recording the continual soul expansion of the seeker, Peter James Ford. Peter's journey began after a powerful spiritual experience in the little historic seaport in Newburyport, Massachusetts. In Peter's late night meditations which were along the Merrimac River, the boardwalk, the Salisbury Reservation on the Atlantic Ocean, Plum Island, Maudsley Estate State Park, Pow Wow Hill (Native American Burial Grounds) and Old Hill Burial Grounds he was having vivid explosions in his mind of 'seemingly' past life experiences and powerful insights. Peter began seeing the hidden secrets of this quaint little seaport that people never take the time to see. Peter's intuition and senses increased in an almost scary powerful way giving Peter wisdom from unseen sources. The source may be the Akashic Records/Library that is not a physical library but a place in the ethers that contains all the wisdom and knowledge ever known to anyone over the eons. We can access this power through ancient spiritual practices and apparently Peter has done just that. Stories and Tales began flowing from Peter and he wrote his first book. In the last three years Peter has written eight more books and shares everything he has found from his journeys to the inner worlds. Peter wrote a seven-book series under the title "MYSTICISM IN NEWBURYPORT" with an eighth bonus/companion book called "MYSTIC". Now you are holding his new writings in your hands. Peter laughingly calls himself "An Unlikely Messenger" as his younger years were nothing resembling anything spiritual. So, here is the story of just another seeker realizing his divinity and returning to his own heart...

CHF 81.60

MYSTICISM IN NEWBURYPORT is a seven-book series revealing ancient secrets from masters of all cultures along with modern-day breakthroughs by scientists and quantum physicists of our times. These tales began flowing after Peter's powerful spiritual awakening in Newburyport, Massachusetts. Newburyport is a quaint little, historic seaport on the coast heading towards New Hampshire. Peter had been sober in the 12-step recovery program for many years and had recovered from his alcoholism. Peter's love of Nature had brought him to the Newburyport area. This area is rich with Nature's treasures, Native American Heritage and many tales from the tall cargo ships of olden days. High street was lined with homes of these Sea Captains. Peter's awakening had given him new eyes and new highly evolved senses. Peter was to have powerful past lives experience with his Mystery Woman guide named Layne. Layne was a mystic that would tell people things about themselves that there was no way she could know. She would look you in the eyes and tell you your deepest secrets. She also knew about the Earth's electromagnetic grids and helped Peter understand what he was experiencing in Newburyport. Peter's new heightened senses could feel the electromagnet flow of energy and the convergence right below Market Square in Newburyport. Market Square was one of the crossroads for these powerful electromagnet energies that gives life to our planet. Peter was to share the secrets that were revealed to him in his writings.

CHF 59.10

During the beginning pandemic Aaron saw a need for creativity and a voice for the overlook and isolated. After he graduated he was set on writing two films based on experiences he's had in Boise, Idaho. After pitching them and receiving positive feedback he realized that his concepts had one loud underlying theme; isolation. He decided to travel to Tijuana, Mexico a year later to help build a home and care for abandoned families. Although he felt he made a major impact there was so much more for him to do. So he began to write poems to lay his burdens for the people all out. After he left he came back with a poem that would touch the people he cared for. The Lonely Sailor became a hit with everyone he shared it with, and consequently led to the book you are reading now.

CHF 17.75

A valuable resource for anyone considering hospice care for a loved one or even themselves. This book presents alternate and thought-provoking insights on preparing for death. A hospice team can really make a difference in approaching the many challenges and myths about death. Perhaps, we can come to terms, or at least have a conversation, with ourselves and those we care about. Love can truly help us in planning for death. We can open ourselves up to others providing their expertise in the many facets of team-based hospice care. The family becomes part of this team to allow for a peaceful comfortable death.

CHF 31.85

And in this MOMENT, another quest begins. Here cosmic clouds chronicle more dust of aged time and YOU are part of the journey with me reading.

CHF 49.75

And in this MOMENT, another quest begins. Here cosmic clouds chronicle more dust of aged time and YOU are part of the journey with me reading.

CHF 19.55

YOU are a visionary behind the quest of this journey. Here WE experience the trial of adventure. The triumph of the Checkmate is to defeat the White Queen in Quantum space of the Divine.

CHF 18.45

YOU are a visionary behind the quest of this journey. Here WE experience the trial of adventure. The triumph of the Checkmate is to defeat the White Queen in Quantum space of the Divine.

CHF 49.05

"Miller has written an affecting, candid account about raising an enigmatically disabled child. She offers critical commentary on the flaws of various medical and educational systems that she navigated yet also acknowledges how she had to modify her own behavior and expectations. She adds a healthy dose of humor, including Jack's rather pithy perceptions and observations. While certainly not a comprehensive resource guide, Miller's memoir offers insight and support to parents in similar situations. An honest, heartbreaking, and ultimately uplifting account of parenting a child with severe emotional difficulties." From Kirkus Review of Books Mad Random Claiming Life Out of Chaos chronicles one family's struggle to final normalcy while raising a son with severe emotional disabilities. Brutally honest, yet laugh out loud funny, this book shines a light on the anxiety, heartbreak and rage experiences by thousands of families seeking acceptance for the difficult, quirky children. This wild, gritty book ultimately leads readers to the miracles of hope and love.

CHF 56.90