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Have you ever wondered about the hidden forces that pull the strings behind the scenes?

"Behind the Curtain: How Secret Organizations Control Our World" is an eBook that reveals the mysterious secrets of how secret organizations influence our world in ways we can't always see. This book is your gateway into a shadowy realm filled with manipulation and unseen control that extends beyond our daily perceptions.

What Will You Discover in This eBook?

The Hidden Hands: Learn how secret organizations control global politics and influence economic events.

The Shadow Network: Understand how secret activities are funded and the methods of financial manipulation.

Shocking and Influential Stories: Uncover stories that reveal the impact of these forces on key global events.

The Arrest of Telegram's Founder: Find out the details behind the arrest of Telegram's founder and the underlying reasons.

Tools and Practices of Control: Discover how organizations use tools and techniques to manipulate public opinion.

Spotlight on the Future: Explore ways to counteract the influence of these organizations and work towards a more transparent society.

Why Should You Read This Book?

Ignite Curiosity: This book presents unexpected information that uncovers hidden aspects of the world.

In-Depth Analysis: It offers a deep analysis of the impact of secret organizations in a compelling narrative style.

Future Insights: Discusses potential ways to address the influence of these organizations and promote transparency.

Are You Ready to Unveil the Secrets Behind the Curtain?

Join us on an exciting journey into the hidden world. "Behind the Curtain: How Secret Organizations Control Our World" is the book you need to understand the unseen power shaping your daily life. Get your copy now and be among the first to reveal the secrets of the shadowy world!

CHF 1.50


Motherhood is one of the highest human feelings, from which emanates boundless love for her children. But what if this love turns into a struggle between brothers because of the mother's preference for one over the other?

A family trip:

This e-book takes you on a poignant journey within a family suffering from the phenomenon of the mother favoring one of her children. Through its pages, you will navigate the corridors of the mother's contradictory feelings, and you will share with the family members their struggles and sorrows.

Pages that touch hearts:

This book touches hearts and stirs emotions, and pushes you to contemplate the meaning of family, love, and justice. The novel's characters will share their painful journey towards liberation from feelings of hatred and hatred and building positive relationships between family members.

Important topics:

Maternal Psychology: You will learn about the psychological and social factors that may lead to a mother's preference for one of her children.
The effect of a mother's preference on children: You will realize how a mother's preference affects her children's behavior and their relationships with each other.
Ways to deal with maternal preference: You will discover some ways that may help family members deal with this painful phenomenon.
A useful book for everyone:

This book is useful for all family members, especially mothers, fathers, and children. It can also benefit specialists in the field of psychology and family relations.

**Do not miss the opportunity to read this influential book, and discover how love can triumph over hatred, and how...
For the family to overcome the most difficult ordeals.

CHF 2.00

Have you ever wondered how different the world might be if things had unfolded differently?

What if you could travel to a parallel world where Albert Einstein, the genius who revolutionized the course of science, never existed? In this book, we offer you a rare opportunity to embark on an intriguing intellectual adventure that stretches beyond the bounds of science fiction into a complex and intertwined reality.

Behind the walls of laboratories and within the halls of scientific conferences, Einstein remains a symbol of the brilliant mind that illuminated our path with groundbreaking theories such as relativity. But what if Einstein had never been? How would our world look today without his revolutionary contributions to understanding the universe, space science, and modern technology?

In the pages of this book, we will take you on a journey through multiple dimensions to reveal how Einstein's absence would reshape every facet of our lives?from physical sciences to advanced technologies, and from philosophy to art and culture. We will explore how major discoveries might have been delayed and how the courses of scientific and geographical history might have followed entirely different paths.

You will discover how the absence of this genius would have profoundly affected society and how our timeline might have unfolded differently without his inspirations that shaped our way of thinking and technological advancement. Would the world remain as we know it, or would a different alternative emerge, filled with new innovations and theories?

Join us as we embark on this exciting journey and imagine what the world could be like without Einstein. See how this absence might reshape our present and future in ways we can scarcely imagine. Prepare to uncover unexpected dimensions in this book where imagination meets reality, and the present and future are molded in new and thrilling ways.

CHF 3.50

Have you ever wondered what our world would be like if Isaac Newton had never existed?

Discover the answer in our new e-book, "A World Without Newton: A Journey into an Alternate Future." Prepare to explore a fascinating and challenging world where the rules have changed and science has evolved in unimaginable ways. This book will take you to an unexpected future, where our questions about physics, mathematics, and science take on a new and exciting form. Join us on this intellectual adventure and imagine how our world might have been if Newton had not altered the course of history.

CHF 2.00