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CHF 46.85

Discover the Pattern in Heaven to Financial Abundance! God is building His Kingdom on the Earth and He is inviting you to join Him! God has placed you in a unique sphere of influence. He's given you gifts, talents, and abilities so you can release Heaven's solutions and strategies into the Earth. When you join in what God is doing, you will immediately step into the realm of Heaven's abundance and blessing! Supernatural Finances will give you unique glimpses into the invisible realm of God's Kingdom financial system that will help you to: Clearly discern God's will for your finances. Access the battle strategies of Heaven concerning giving and receiving. Decode the veil of secrecy that surrounds giving to those who cannot pay you back. Identify and defeat enemies of your "debt free finances" future. Establish a link between praying in the spirit and supernatural finances. Set yourself up for supernatural favor. You have a supernatural advantage: access to the unlimited supply of Heaven's economic system. Discover how to engage and partner with the Holy Spirit in your finances and step right into the greatest move of God the world has ever seen!

CHF 46.40

You are meant to live as a holy carrier of divine glory! There are people who walk in a dimension of Holy Spirit power and presence so strongly, that the very atmospheres around them are filled with Heaven's glory. These men and women are living examples of what Christ offers to those who follow him. One such person was the late Ruth Ward Heflin, often called "the gold dust preacher." Though Heflin has passed on, her assistant, Sister Ruth Carneal, remains with us, walking in the supernatural realm and seeking to help you unveil the mysteries of God's glory in your life! Ruth Carneal has been a family friend of bestselling author and revelatory teacher, Kevin Zadai, for many years. In this groundbreaking book, Kevin and Ruth join together to share awe-inspiring testimonies and powerful teaching on how to live in God's glory realm. You will learn: To open the glory realm through 8 supernatural access points: including altars, atmosphere, prayer, and others. To recognize the unique movements of God's glory and how to partner with the supernatural. To live saturated in God's glory through 5 essential steps. To be prepared for the "End Time Glory Prophecies" by living with God's glory shaping your view of life and eternity. It's in God's glory that we are transformed, and it's through His glory we transform the world! Stories From The Glory is your handbook for operating in the glory realm, allowing God's miraculous power to flow through your life in unprecedented, powerful ways!

CHF 35.20

Master the Biblical art of receiving from Heaven. Many Christians feel that their prayers produce no results, and that God remains distant, despite their pursuit of Him. Why? Because many are seeking blessings and realities that are already available and accessible! The key to a fulfilling prayer life and an intimate relationship with God is not found in striving-it's found in simply receiving. In the Biblical art of receiving from Heaven, we simply say "yes" to the lavish blessings that Jesus has already made available to every believer. Prophetic Bible teacher and bestselling author Kevin Zadai was an everyday Christian who was caught up in a heavenly encounter that dramatically changed his life. This experience opened the realities of Scripture to him in a new way, equipping him to share heavenly keys with everyday people so they too could walk in the fullness of favor, blessing, and victory that Christ makes available to every believer. Kevin will show you how to: Walk on Earth using your rights and privileges as a heavenly ambassador. Partner with the supernatural ministry of the Holy Spirit. Access Heaven's reward system here and now. Take hold of the blessings and promises written in Scripture. Learn the art of receiving from Heaven and watch as every biblical blessing and promise comes to life for you!

CHF 31.85

Satanist-Turned-Evangelist Gives You the Inside Strategy to Defeat the Devil's Plans! Many people, even Christians, deny the devil's power. John Ramirez doesn't have that luxury-he experienced the prince of darkness up close and personal. In the impoverished streets of the South Bronx, John Ramirez found "acceptance" from a family of witches and warlocks. These practitioners of dark arts trained him to be a high-ranking satanic priest-a story told in his first book, Out of the Devil's Cauldron. However, everything changed when he met the living Christ. In Unmasking the Devil, John Ramirez shares an insider view of how satan operates so you can avoid his traps and learn how to: discern between the voice of God that directs to victory and satan's voice that leads to destruction. close the demonic doors satan uses to enter your life: entertainment, unhealthy relationships, greed, and false religion. activate the spiritual weapons of prayer, intercession, and Scripture to render hell powerless over your life. recognize how the spirits of Jezebel and Delilah attempt to infiltrate the church, create disunity, and render God's people powerless. No army goes into battle without first knowing the tactics of their enemy. Receive behind-the-scene glimpses of satan's strategies and equip yourself to live victoriously over the powers of darkness! "Spiritual warfare is a must for every Christian if they are going to survive in the coming years," says John Ramirez. "It's time to stop playing patty-cake with the devil and learn how to put hell on notice."

CHF 29.60