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"R.K. Roberts is a voice that needs to be heard. The plot will draw you in from the opening chapter - suspense will keep you reading until the last page." Mark Batterson Kinnard Breen is the tale of an adventurous boy with hopes big enough to equal his dreams. The woods near his childhood home in rural Wisconsin became his wonderland. He didn't know that an ancient Native American treasure lay just beneath the surface. Sworn to secrecy by the old man on whose property the discovery lays, Isaac becomes Kinnard's friend and mentor, forever changing the course of his young life. Kinnard keeps the secret promised to Isaac, only to be torn from it when forced to move from the place he loves most: Prairie Hope. At age thirty, Kinnard Breen quickly becomes the hottest new broadcast journalist on the planet. His enormous talent and handsome looks were not the only reason he was highly sought after by the networks; it was an investigative report he had been working on they wanted most. It was perhaps the largest political story in years. With it, he was about to take down a United States senator who sold his vote in an illicit land deal. With a plot that twists and turns, a new surprise is found with each chapter. From the elite political world of Washington, D.C., to the YNN broadcast center in New York City, to the enchanting and mysterious town Prairie Hope containing secrets more than two thousand years old, the action never stops. The tale eventually brings Kinnard back home with a turn of fate and new life that surprises even him. R.K. Roberts is a broadcast journalist, lobbyist and author presently working on his second novel. A Wisconsin native, he lives "inside the beltway" in Washington, D.C.

CHF 44.15

Are you stuck in a rut and want to change?
Do you have a dream you want to fulfill, but don't know where to start, or are too scared to give it a go?
Or maybe you commenced your dream but encountered a problem that stopped your progress and you feel like giving it all up and quitting?
Whatever your dream or desire is, we all encounter the same stages when we embark on a new adventure, not knowing how to begin, feeling overwhelmed and fearing failure.
Passionate Pursuit will help you:
- Clarify your dream, and know how to start
- Recognize what works for you personally
- Combat negative emotions that hinder you, such as fear and low self-esteem.
- Manage your time, plan effectively and set realistic targets
- Not give-up, but work through problems when they occur.

Written in an engaging and easy-to-read style, Mary-Jo has brought together her project management skills gained over thirty-three years and her experiences from accomplishing her own dreams, to create an encouraging guide to empower you to connect with your purpose and destiny, by pursuing your dream. With questions/actions at the end of each chapter, this book motivates you to apply each of the keys to your individual circumstances, thus creating a made-to-measure fit for your dream.
Are you ready for YOUR dream adventure? Let's go!
Mary-Jo is an engineer & Project Manager with thirty-three years' experience on major industrial construction projects. She has risen to Project Director on a fourteen-billion-dollar project in the Middle East. MJ has been married for thirty-five years, and has fulfilled several dreams including:
Building a replica 1937 Jaguar SS100 car
Driving from South Africa to the UK
Establishing and running a business in Thailand to reskill ex-sex workers and help them achieve independence

CHF 26.70

CHF 22.25

The supernatural visitation described in this study guide happened in 1992. However, I felt that I could not speak of it openly until the "time was right," and that time is now! In the years that followed, I had angelic encounters that are also recounted in these pages. The study guide is intended to enhance the readers understanding of the truths brought forth during my Heavenly Visitation. The time I spent in the presence of Jesus profoundly changed me! During this time, Jesus promised that the story of His visitation and the teaching He gave during my 45-minutes with Him has the capacity to radically change YOU too. Kevin Zadai was called to ministry at the age of 10. He attended Central Bible College in Springfield, Missouri, where he received a Bachelor of Arts in Theology. Later, he received training in Missions at Rhema Bible College. At age 31, during a routine day surgery, he found himself on the 'other side of the veil' with Jesus. For 45 minutes, the Master revealed spiritual truths before returning him to his body and assigning him to a supernatural ministry. Kevin holds a Commercial Pilot license and has been employed by Southwest Airlines for 27 years as a flight attendant. He and his wife, Kathi, reside in New Orleans, Louisiana.

CHF 31.20

About The Author: "The World Famous Anonymous Author" has no desire for fame. He once said, "Writing a published book is an honor within itself." We honestly believe it would be wrong to publicly identify someone who prefers to remain anonymous. About The Book: This is one "small" book filled with many "big" ideas designed to reach nations with information about Elijah alias James. This "one crazy man" with God connections has revelations for Christians with open minds. Shocking revelations about the controversial life of "the man" will impact conventional ideas about politics, religion, survival of civilizations and the mysterious 19 March 2006 event! Explanations about the supernatural transformation of James Reesor from sinner to prophet provides spiritual/psychological insight into events leading to "THE MESSAGE FROM GOD" and the acronym "JIGROP" - meaning: "Jesus Is God; Repent Or Perish."

CHF 38.55

Our world is a mess. The fabric of society has been stretched to its limit and is being torn asunder. The reason for this dilemma is abundantly clear. People are desperately looking for something they have lost. They are like bewildered children, running through a dense forest, hoping the next clearing will lead them home. Mankind is longing for a missing part of his or her true identity. People build bigger mouse traps, but they never seem to catch the mouse. No matter how hard a person tries, he or she will never solve the puzzle of life. God had bigger plans for His created ones than the treadmill of life. Man's Search for Cabadgery points the reader away from this world and toward the glory of God with clear cut paths and simple trail markers. Have you ever put a puzzle together, and then, realized a few of the pieces were missing? Think of this book as a light to help you find the last few pieces of the puzzle of life. It is God's desire to pour out His abundant grace to you. It is God's desire that you reach the place of Cabadgery. MJ Gaylor is an award-winning author and Senior Pastor at the Church at Sun Coast in Jacksonville, Florida. His previous book, The Seventh Trail, recently won the President's Award from the Florida Association of Publishers and Authors. He and his wife, Karen, have raised two children and are currently enjoying their six grandchildren. MJ Gaylor has a BS from Baptist College of Florida, and an MA in pastoral studies from Veritas Baptist College in Fredericksburg, Virginia. They reside in Callahan, Florida.

CHF 26.25

Buried in the darkness of his third story loft, Bisbee Saxton stared into the valley. He tried to look away, but his eyes refused. Pressing his face against the small wood-framed window he watched in horror as dark, shadowy creatures ripped their way through the countryside of Harness. Marnin's prophecy was coming true. But it was more than just the chaos in the valley below that troubled him. A foreboding darkness haunted him. All of Harness battled the beasts, but Bisbee was inwardly terrified by something darker. Tears filled his eyes, ran down his cheeks, and dripped into a warm cup of tea he held tightly to his chest. The map leading north to Charis lay open on the table beside him. The light from the moon moved in and out of the night clouds, passing over the markings on the old parchment. The crash of a crow flying into his window jolted him backwards. Falling to the floor, he stared into the ceiling above, cold tea now covered his chest. Perhaps it was not too late. Grabbing the map, he raced down the spiral staircase. This is the tale of Bisbee's journey to Charis. This is the story of the Seventh Trail.

CHF 35.20